Req Lab Dream Series Volume I

A light in the dark

Requiem Labs
5 min readJun 11, 2022


Well, it’s been some time since my last article. Things with Requiem Labs have been going crazy off the wall 1000 miles an hour. We have gotten our YouTube channel up and running and crossed the 100 subscription mark. Requiem labs publishing just released its first mini-book Crypto for Beginners. And despite the current state of the crypto and NFT markets, our discord is beginning to see some life. Our NFT project is ready to go from images to smart-contract and minting Dapps. And we are planning an intimate networking event for local Entrepreneurs and Sports figures.

But this is not my typical article, where I talk to you about NFTs, Crypto, or investments. You see, Requiem Labs NFT and the like are vehicles for a destination. I’ve had a bit of an eye-opening experience culminating this week specifically. Writing my first book has been life-changing. I’ve had to look inside and examine the why of things. So why are we taking this trip?

It came to me this week while having a conversation with my wife about the school shooting that happened in Texas. It’s something that’s been brewing in me since Covid started a few years back. My perception of the world is that so much darkness has taken center stage over the last decade. Pandemics, school shootings, society raiding political buildings, and civil unrest on every level. I turned on the news and, after a few minutes of watching, immediately felt like I needed to take a shower to wash off the grime that had been deposited on my soul.

I started Requiem Labs only four short months ago. You see, I have been a Nurse for the last 21 years. During this pandemic, I questioned the decisions that led me to become a healthcare professional time and time again. Health care workers are a different breed of people. Being a nurse is not something you do; it’s something you are. Covid has caused me to question that very existence. For the first 19 years of my career, the long hours, the missed birthdays, and family dinners. I knew there would be times when Santa Claus or the Easter bunny made it to our house, but I did not because I had to work. I made these sacrifices because I saved lives and made a difference. Over the last couple of years with Covid, it seemed that everything I was doing to save lives, everything we were doing to save lives, didn’t matter. People were dying despite all our best efforts to stave off death. And for the first time, they were doing it all alone. No family members to hold hands. No grieving loved ones at the bedside to comfort them. It was all sterile and surreal. Like a clip in a movie where the sound is removed in order for the viewer to more fully experience, the horror currently unfolding. I had to become that loved one. I had to be the surrogate for Mom, Dad, brother, and sister. We all did. And despite all our well-intentioned efforts, we were not enough. It changed me deeply and in ways, I can’t fully understand or express here. Not because I don’t want to, but because there aren’t the words for what I experienced. They haven’t even been invented. In his book The Greatest Miracle in the World, Og Mandino wrote a chapter called the God memorandum. It’s life-changing. I want to take an excerpt from it here as it illustrates exactly how I felt during those darkest hours. “You were given the secret to even moving mountains and performing the impossible.

You believed no one. You burned your map to happiness, you abandoned your claim to peace of mind, you snuffed out the candles that had been placed along your destined path of glory, and then you stumbled, lost and frightened, in the darkness of futility and self-pity, until you fell into a hell of your own creation.”

They say it’s always darkest before the dawn. I see that now in ways I’ve never seen before. The world needs more; it needs better. With all the horror and darkness surrounding us, someone must be the light in the dark. Uncovering and unearthing something better, something more. I’m sick and tired of school shootings and pandemics. The focus and conversations need to shift; the narrative needs to change. And someone needs to stand up and move them. And while I am only one small voice in the sea of humanity, it must start somewhere. There is so much good in this world. I believe we are all children of (insert your word for deity here) God, the universe, or higher power; I was meant for more than this. We all are.


For the last 20 years, I’ve defined myself as a healer. Today I want to transition to a builder and a creator. Planting seeds of hope and light along the way. Req Lab Dream will be a blog post and a Vlog post on our YouTube channel, Req Lab. The title Dream and the volume will denote the episode as different from our usual crypto mantra. We will be having conversations with like-minded influential people. Conversations about shaping our beliefs, changing our thoughts, expressing gratitude, generating light accomplishing goals, and changing mindsets. The culmination of this work will ultimately be born into book form — a guide to transformation if you will. I want to dive head first into the thoughts that shape our beliefs. I’m not talking about the ideas we tell ourselves; I’m talking about the ideas we have that form subconsciously our true beliefs about what is real and what is possible. I’m talking about changing the narrative as a culture and stopping the self-limiting belief systems that keep us safe and unsatisfied. I’ll leave you with this. “Remember, then, the four laws of happiness and success.

  • Count your blessings.
  • Proclaim your rarity.
  • Go another mile.
  • Use wisely your power of choice.

And one more to fulfill the other four. Do all things with love … love for yourself, love for all others, and love for me.

Wipe away your tears. Reach out, grasp my hand, and stand straight.

Let me cut the grave cloths that have bound you.

This day you have been notified. You are the greatest miracle in the world.”

— Og Mandino.

For more info or to follow us on all our socials 👉

